Wild uncultivated edible plants of India
Part 13 (......after part 12) Trevesia palmata (Roxb. ex Lindl.) Vis. Family: Araliaceae This Ginseng family plant is easily identified by its nice and distinguishable palmate...
Part 13 (......after part 12) Trevesia palmata (Roxb. ex Lindl.) Vis. Family: Araliaceae This Ginseng family plant is easily identified by its nice and distinguishable palmate...
Fishing with a living fishing tool Perhaps we have heard or come across traditional fishing with various nets, sticks, stupefiers, or a wide range of...
Rahul Mukherjee Heartlands Hospital (part of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust) and Institute of Clinical Sciences, University of Birmingham E-mail: rahul.mukherjee@uhb.nhs.uk The National Health Service (NHS), as the largest employer in Britain, is responsible for around 4% of the nation’s...
Rajasri Ray CEiBa Email: rajasri@ceibatrust.org The skyrocketing popularity of the word “Traditional Medicine” or medicinal herbs in recent time has taken many of us surprised, thanks...