CEiBa Newsletter Volume 6 Issue 3, 2023
The festive season is truly amazing. It reminds us of our tradition, social cohesiveness, and responsibility as well as our commitment to maintaining this versatile connection with the earth’s biodiversity. Interestingly this is also the time when pollution reaches its peak, social inequality becomes more prominent and our ignorance and arrogance are beyond any limit. It seems to be routine work for public institutions to tell us about environmental degradation and express their concern, the same for administrative and social leaders to make some declaration to secure their position, and the same for us who want to do everything at its fullest however detrimental it is. We are leading nowhere… Read More
Cicadas – the tireless Crooners of the forest
Humans’ beings with all the modern amenities and advancement, long removed from the primitive living condition of the wild forests are even today bugged by the tiny six legged creatures known as Insects; be it in the sophisticated modern urban setting or in the rural settings close to the wild nature. For those of us who resides in the warm and humid tropics and close to some sort of natural forests one may not have failed to encounter these six-legged creature right from the time we are born. We have the dreaded mosquitoes that buzz around to suck our blood, spreading the deadly malaria, encephalitis and chikungunya; to the hordes of termites out for destruction, to pests invading our crops and foods. . Read more
The green forefathers of the Kolkata Maidan – A tale of struggle
“Nature does nothing in vain, and so whatever is, is for the sake of something else ” This ancient wisdom seems relevant when logic and sensibility among us are at their peak. Environment is always an important part of our lives and so are its nourishment and protection. Our environment or surroundings differ by geographic, or perhaps more appropriately, spatial, context. Accordingly, we have rural landscapes, urban landscapes, mountainscapes, and so on where land parcels and players are different from each other. Amongst all, the urban landscape draws our attention most due to the highly disproportionate cohabitation of nature and human beings. And the most visible natural element for us are trees with different avatars. . . Read more
Eyes – the natural story teller
“Birds eye view” is something you have to take seriously. Avian eyes flaunt their habitat, their food, their foraging habit and many more. These tiny eyes have connections with big names like deforestation, climate change etc. Unbelievable? Let’s explore.
Natures’ pendant for living – The hanging garden habitat
A wondering tourist perhaps amused to see the green plant line hanging along the rocky cliff of the Colorado canyon. The eye soothing presence of the plants against the backdrop of sombre rock wall seems to be a miracle but a result of natural geological wonder. How does that take place?
Cobra on your plate!
Cobra fry, Cobra soup, or gravy or satay, all are foods. May be repulsive to many of us but highly acclaimed among others. So does snake farming. Curious?
Wild edible food